Privacy Policy

Upon request, we will inform you of the existence, use and disclosure of your personal information. We will provide access to the information except in circumstances proscribed by the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) or an applicable provincial privacy law that has been declared substantially similar. For example, access may not be provided when doing so would reveal personal information about a third party or could reasonably be expected to threaten the life or security of another individual or where disclosure would reveal confidential commercial information. 

Requesting Access to Your Personal Information 
You may request to review your personal information in one of our many regional offices. Homewood Health staff will be made available to provide support and answer any questions that you may have. You may also request documents pertaining to the appointments or services you have received through Homewood Health.

To make an access request, please speak with your clinician, who will assist you with completing the Request to Access Form. 

Requesting Personal Information to be Sent to Others
Your personal information may be sent to others only if the request is accompanied by your written consent, or as directed by law. Your consent must direct Homewood Health specifically to release information, be recently signed by yourself and your signature be witnessed, and the consent must clearly identify to whom the information is to be released. To protect your privacy, Homewood Health will only release information sufficient to fulfill the request and you may limit or withdraw your consent at any time. Disclosures which have already occurred cannot be rescinded or limited. We may request that you confirm or renew your consent for subsequent requests in order to ensure that your circumstances have not changed.

To make a request, please speak with your clinician who will assist you with completing the Release of Information Form.

In compliance with PIPEDA and provincial legislation, access and disclosure requests may be subject to fees. Where applicable, fee estimates will be provided.

Homewood Health Inc.
Records Management, CIM--DS 
Clinical Information Management - Data Services
Homewood Health
150 Delhi Street Guelph, Ontario N1E 6K9
Telephone: (800) 265-8310 Ext. 43113
Fax: (800) 427-9295